How to Have a Healthy Lawn with 30 Percent Less Water

One of the easiest ways to have a healthier yard is by replacing traditional sprinklers with high-efficiency rotator sprinklers.

While the word “rotator” might sound like an old-fashioned rotary phone, these sprinklers actually use the latest technology to deliver water to your lawn and plants, improving your sprinkler system’s efficiency by 30 percent. That’s important, since most household water use occurs in our landscapes, and that’s where we can make the biggest difference in our overall water use.

Unlike older sprinklers, which shoot high, fine sprays into the air, high-efficiency rotator sprinklers deliver multiple streams of water at a slower rate that is more easily absorbed by soil, reducing evaporation and run off. They also provide better coverage, which can eliminate brown spots, and have a stronger stream of water, which is able to reach taller plants.

Installing rotators is an easy do-it-yourself task that doesn’t require an entire system to be replaced. They typically cost $4 to $6 each, and many water providers offer rebates to help offset the costs.

Learn More About Rotator Sprinklers

VIDEO: What’s the Smartest Sprinkler for Your Yard?
Learn the difference between high-efficiency rotator sprinklers and traditional sprinklers.

VIDEO: How to Have a Healthy Lawn with 30% Less Water
See how easy it is to swap out your older sprinkler nozzles with water-saving rotators.

INFO: Step-by-step instructions for replacing your older spray sprinkler nozzles with high efficiency rotators.

 VIDEO: How Efficient are Rotator Sprinklers?
Learn the answer from our friend, Julie, an irrigation expert at Green Acres Nursery and Supply.

VIDEO: Is it Easy to Install High-Efficiency Rotator Sprinklers?
Check out the answer in this brief video.

INFO: Rebates
Many water providers offer rebates for upgrading to efficient rotators.

Learn More About Tuning Up, Checking and Repairing Sprinklers

 VIDEO: How to Tune Up Your Sprinklers
Linden Nies, a certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor, and Amy Talbot of the Regional Water Authority demonstrate how to tune up your sprinklers for efficient watering.

VIDEO: How to Check Your Sprinklers Every Month
Learn how to check your sprinklers every month for a beautiful landscape that doesn’t waste water.

INFO: Tips for Repairing Sprinklers