Free Toilet Kit, Garden Gloves, Moisture Meter or Koozie

Complete the form below to receive a free toilet leak detection kit, garden gloves, moisture meters, or Koozies, while supplies last, and tips for using water efficiently, including updates on free water-saving programs and rebates.

Complete el siguiente formulario para recibir un kit de detección de fugas de inodoro, guantes de jardin, medidor de humedad, o un Koozie*, hasta agotar existencias, y consejos para usar el agua de manera eficiente, incluyendo actualizaciones sobre programas gratuitos de ahorro de agua y reembolsos.

Give-aways are  limited to customers located within the Be Water Smart participant area only.


* indicates required


If you already subscribe to Be Water Smart emails, you will be asked to update your subscription preferences. Please follow through with that process to receive a water-saving item.

*Give-aways are limited to customers located within the Be Water Smart participant area. One item per household per year. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Want to learn more about participating agencies? Click here. Not sure who your water provider is? Check here.