The Regional Water Authority (RWA) is a joint powers authority that serves and represents the interests of 36 water providers and affiliated agencies in the greater Sacramento, Placer, Nevada, and El Dorado County region. The Authority’s primary mission is to serve, represent and align the interests of regional water providers and stakeholders for the purpose of improving water supply reliability, availability, quality and affordability.
Formed in 2001 after two years of facilitated workshops with more than 60 water industry leaders, RWA consolidated several regional associations to promote collaboration and provide a unified voice on Northern California water issues. One of the great strengths of RWA is the diversity of its membership and its partnerships. RWA members include cities, water districts, mutual water companies, investor-owned water utilities, and community services districts.
One of the major accomplishments of the RWA was the development of the Water Efficiency Program (WEP) in 2003, which assists members in implementing water efficiency best management practices in a cost effective manner and in communicating consistent water efficiency information to the public. The Be Water Smart Program and the bewatersmart.info website were developed as a part of the WEP.