Water Efficiency is a Way of Life

Thank you for answering the call to conserve during California’s historic drought. Sacramento-area residents over the past several years have achieved some of the highest water conservation rates in the state!
This year, as winter rains eased drought conditions in Northern California, we’re asking everyone to continue using water wisely and to eliminate waste.
Click on the map to the right to learn your water provider’s guidelines for efficient water use.
And please consider taking action to permanently reduce water use, especially outdoors. Most household water use—and water waste—occurs in our landscapes.
For example, if the only time you walk on your lawn is to mow it, maybe you’d be better served by exchanging your lawn for a beautiful, low-water use garden or low-water lawn alternative.
Or, instead of watering your landscape more, look for ways to water it better. There are many tools available to make it easy for you to water better:
- Install a weather-based sprinkler controller (look for the WaterSense label). These controllers act as a thermostat for your sprinkler system, automatically adjusting the amount of water delivered to plants according to local weather rather than on a pre-programmed schedule.
- Replace older spray sprinklers with high-efficiency rotary sprinklers. Rotary sprinklers can improve your sprinkler system’s efficiency by 25 to 30 percent by slowly and uniformly applying water low to the ground at a rate soil easily absorbs.
- Install a drip irrigation system for your trees, shrubs, ground cover and flowers. Drip irrigation is a low-volume system that emits water directly to a plant’s roots, leading to less runoff and loss to evaporation.
Learn more:
- Rethink Your Yard: Create a beautiful landscape that doesn’t waste water
- Best ways to save water inside and outside your home
- Rebates available from your water provider